Jesus’ Work Philosophy (1)

Apr 15, 2023

‘I must finish the work that He gave me to do.’John 4:34 CEV

Instead of confining Jesus to church on Sunday, let’s study His work philosophy (attitude, values, and beliefs) on how to get things done. The principles He lived by call for these:

(1) Being clear about your assignment. He said, ‘I must finish the work that He gave me to do.’ Jesus understood that focus maximises skill and opportunity. So if you’re talented, energetic, and active and you’re still not seeing concrete results, your problem may be lack of focus. When Nehemiah was rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, his enemies said, ‘Come, let us meet together.’ (Nehemiah 6:2 NKJV) That’s when he sent back this message: ‘I am doing a great work, so… I cannot come down.’ (Nehemiah 6:3 NKJV)

(2) Prioritising tasks in the order of their importance. When you don’t do what has to be done according to its importance, jobs start to arrange themselves according to their urgency. And when that happens, you miss great opportunities. The Bible says Jesus ‘needed to go through Samaria.’ (John 4:4 NKJV) To the disciples, this probably looked like a diversion because it wasn’t the shortest route to where they wanted to go. But there was a woman in Samaria Jesus wanted to redeem; a vessel through which He reached the entire city with the Gospel. Bottom line: Jesus was clear about His priorities. Are you?

(3) Creating a definitive timetable. In other words, set deadlines and stick with them. Jesus knew He had only three–and–a–half years to get the job done, and He made every day count. One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is, ‘I’ll get to it later.’ To succeed in life, let Jesus’ work philosophy become your master plan.

SoulFood: Lev 26–27, Matt 1:1–6, Ps 32, Pro 10:4–7
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

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