How To Handle Disappointment (1)

Aug 13, 2023

‘The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.’Proverbs 24:16 NLT

For the next few days, let’s look at five different types of disappointment.

Disappointment in yourself. This is the most energy sapping kind of disappointment because it can put you into a downward spiral that’s hard to recover from. Peter experienced it. He swore loyalty to Christ saying, ‘Everyone else may abandon You but not me. I’m Yours until death!’ (see Matthew 26:33). Yet he denied Christ three times. Later he remembered Christ’s words: ‘Before the rooster crows, you will disown Me three times.’ (Matthew 26:34 NIV) Peter, heartbroken by his failure, ‘went outside and wept bitterly.’ (Luke 22:62 NIV)

Is that how you feel today? Are you thinking, ‘Lord, how could You possibly use someone like me?’ Jesus wasn’t shocked. He was well aware of Peter’s flaws when He called him. But He also knew that His outspoken disciple had a tender heart, so He chose to extend grace to him rather than cast him aside. When Christ gave His post–resurrection orders to ‘tell His disciples and Peter’ to meet Him in Galilee, He reaffirmed His choice of His failed disciple (see Mark 16:7). The rest of Peter’s story is one of victory.

So when you sin, or fail and disappoint yourself, what should you do?

(1) Humble yourself and repent. Confess your sin; don’t excuse, rationalise, or blame circumstances and people.

(2) Receive God’s grace and forgiveness by faith, not feelings. Don’t let Satan convince you that you are beyond God’s reach and grace. You’re not.

(3) Don’t add insult to injury by letting disappointment trap you in hopelessness and despair.

(4) Get whatever help you need to get back on track —sooner, not later.

SoulFood: Est 4:13–5:3, Matt 6:16–21, Mark 2:18–22
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

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