Use Your Key
To open a locked door, you need the right key. It’s the ‘how–to’ that enables you to get inside and get what you need. Praise is like a key that enables us to come into God’s presence. ‘Those who have learned to acclaim You… walk in the light of Your presence.’ (Psalm 89:15 NIV) Praise isn’t simply a reaction to coming into God’s presence; it does much more. It opens the door through which God enters your life and goes to work on your behalf. In other words, praise brings God’s presence along with His direct action and intervention.
The name Judah means ‘praise the Lord’, and when the 12 tribes of Israel travelled, Judah led the way (see Judges 20:18). On one occasion when Judah’s enemies lined up against them, Jehoshaphat, their king, sent a choir to the front line ahead of the army to sing the praises of God. It may sound like a strange strategy, but it brought a supernatural victory. The Bible says, ‘As soon as they began singing, the Lord confused the enemy camp… Then they turned against each other.’ (2 Chronicles 20:22–23 CEV)
Praise is an expression of faith; an affirmation that you believe God is in control of the situation. The Bible speaks of ‘the sacrifice of praise.’ (Hebrews 13:15 NKJV) That means you must praise God even when you don’t feel like it. When it doesn’t come naturally, you must choose to do it anyway.
Nehemiah said, ‘The joy of the Lord is your strength.’ (Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV) Praise can heal your emotions and lift the weight of negativity you’re under. Go ahead—try it! Use the key of praise!